Academic Tutoring

The Roywood Community Centre offers academic tutoring for junior youth in grades 6, 7 and 8 with the aim of ensuring they are well prepared to enter high school. Our efforts, drawing on the assistance of Ontario certified teachers and trained tutors, focus on strengthening the acquisition of language – vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and eloquent speech; mathematics – number sense, fractions, and algebra; and scientific ability.

Individual Attention

Participants are assigned a tutor who provides individual tutoring and assistance with homework and assignments. Participants generally meet with their tutor twice a week for one hour.


Attention is given to helping participants acquire a solid foundation in mathematical knowledge and to practice related skills. Particular attention is given to number sense, fractions, and algebra, ensuring that those in middle school are well prepared to enter high school.


Emphasis is placed on strengthening the acquisition of language -- vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and eloquent speech – with a view to enhancing critical thinking, sound decision-making, and the ability to express thoughts and ideas with clarity.

Volunteer as a Tutor

We welcome high-school students in grade 10 and above to apply to serve as a tutor. Tutors are trained and supported by the Centre with the help of Ontario certified teachers.